Monday, January 31, 2011

Granddad's birthday was a success! He really enjoyed himself.

Saturday, Dad and I headed off to the city to cash in on his Christmas present.

We went up early to go to Ikea! Wow! What a store!  It had its own parking deck. We spent a good two hours, and I got a bag full of stuff for $28.00!  That is definitely my kind of store!

The main reason we went to "the city" was to see these three guys perform.
First, Bill Engvall.  He's my favorite.
Then, was Jeff Foxworthy

Last, Larry the Cable Guy

Great way to spend a Saturday!

Look how cute Pixie is in her Valentine's outfit...I think it's so funny how she sits on her bottom like babies!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

We did a great birthday party! I am glad you and Mike had a great trip also. I want to go to Ikea!