Ahh...the Big Top!
There were too many events last weekend to fit all in one post, so this is part two. Stephen and I went on a date to the big city of Atlanta. I have been looking forward to this for quite some time. I bought us tickets to see Cirque du Soleil a few months back, and Saturday was Showtime! If you have never seen a Cirque show, you really should put that on your list. It's my favorite! It's like a circus for big kids, and that's all I really am anyway, so I love it! Nothing beats watching a circus type show while sipping on a glass of eight dollar wine. This was my third show to see, but it was Stephen's first, so I was anxious to see how he felt about it. After reading Water for Elephants this summer, I have been hyped up on circus stuff! APT has been airing a show called Circus about the Big Apple Circus the last few weeks, and I have been all about it! I love the idea of joining a circus. Everything about it excites me! I think I would be a great elephant master! Give me a showgirl outfit and an elephant with a pink headdress, and I'll be set!
Forgive my crazy eyes...I was excited! |
This picture was taken right before we got in trouble for taking pics! ;) Oops!
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